Flower After Care

Please follow these instructions to get the best out of your blooms once they have been delivered to you. 

  • Remove flowers from wrapping paper. All of our wrapping (including our wet-pack) can be recycled, reused or composted
  • Trim stems diagonally, 1-2cm from the base prior to placing into fresh water 
  • Do not remove the twine that is holding the flowers together. This will ensure that the arrangement stays in place 
  • Ensure that the water in the vase is sitting just above the shortest stem so that all stems are able to take up water.
  • Position flowers away from direct sunlight
  • Do not place flowers near direct heat or appliances that release heat
  • Some flowers will last longer than others, carefully remove or cut spent blooms to keep on enjoying your bouquet. 
  • If you have received flowers in a vase, top up the water every two to three days. 

Enjoy your flowers!